Wednesday, April 5, 2017


view from my road, Leatherhead, Surrey, UK

Some time ago, I'm not even sure when, I decided that travelling is definitely ''my thing''.
Hmm.. decided might not be a good word to describe it, but at some point it appeared to me that THIS IS IT - my hobby, the way I want to be, how I want to spend my free time and money.

I'd always thought that travelling would be difficult, and that I would never be able to do it. Fortunately for me, I took the opportunities that presented themselves and made some choices, and I managed it!

Not all of us can see it and understand it but... We travel every day. Every step we take is a little journey - going to work, visiting friends, going to the shop, going on holidays. Some people say that travelling is not for them and they like to stay at home. Fair point. I do too. But I have itchy feet 馃槀 so can't be at home for too long.

I think that every little journey we make helps us to develop as human beings - emotionally, also our views and skills. Every person we meet: in the shops, at the doctors, on holidays, at work - they are part of our journey. The journey called life. And even though this blog is supposed to be about visiting different places all around the world, the main mission, is to encourage people to discover new things, to open themselves up for new opportunities. Maybe have a little chat in the shop with the lady who you see every day, she might have a surprising story to tell you.

To be a good traveler, and to travel through life, you need to be a good observer and listener. Make friends, be happy, be positive. Good things happen to good people. You never know where a smile can get you.

You might think that the holidays in Spain you always dreamed of could never really happen, but then look around you.. Maybe there, just around the corner, a Spanish friend is waiting for you and he/she will bring Spain to you - teach you the language, show you the cuisine, also travel with you.

Speak to your colleagues, love your clients - maybe one day one of these clients will want to ''poach" you from your current job and offer you a job in your dream city, be it Copenhagen or Hong Kong.

Some people are scared of travelling. It doesn't matter. Just make little steps in the world that you know. Try to discover something new everyday, and then.. It becomes an addiction, you won't be able to stop! 馃槉

Sometimes on my travels, I just chill.. I Sleep in late, have a breakfast in the local caf茅, watch people passing by, just let the life go and enjoy it.

In Santorini, we had long, slow walks, sitting around at the restaurants and eating dinner and just watching this amazing sunset every night. We weren't rushing around anywhere. Our plan was to enjoy ourselves and relax, calm mind and just be happy. We spent a lot of time speaking to locals and having wine. But when we were in Barcelona we had little time and wanted to see so many places we just rushed from one thing to another to see everything from the list.

Both options work for me and make me happy. Every journey is different. But the only thing that stays the same - is a hunger for an adventure 馃槈

So even if we stay at home, I try to make a plan to see or do something new. There are always so many options. We recently discovered squash & badminton at our local gym and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Each and every one of these little discoveries, makes us into a different person, they change something in our life. I didn't really like sports before and now I'm so sad when we miss out on playing because it's so much fun! If you find something that you really really like, try to go for more - and see your life change into the life you have always wanted,

If you love your life the way it is - WOW, that's awesome!! But it's always really nice to discover new things that we like, isn't it? 馃槉

No matter where and no matter how we travel. The most important thing is to keep your eyes, ears and mind open to experience all of the new tastes of life.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

After 3 years...

A lot of things have changed since last time I've been here. I'm not an Au Pair any more. I had moved to London, had lived there for a year having a 9-5 job and then...

Unlike other people I've decided to make changes not on Monday, not on 1st January but just in the middle of summer 2015. That was when my New Year had started.
After giving up my old life: relationship, flat and a job, I was left with boxes filled out with my stuff and absolutely no idea what to do with my life.
Luckily for me, the unknown turned up the best that could ever happen to me.
I stopped working full time and I got few part-time jobs to manage with my finances, I completely changed my life and become much happier person and started to make my dreams come true.
I've always wanted to travel and that's what I went for.
It started with going back to Poland and two weeks of relaxation, after that was a quite and peaceful week in Cornwall, UK, next Edinburgh, Scotland, shortly after that Copenhagen. In November was Brugge, Belgium and Cologne in Germany. December & January, two trips to Edinburgh and again Poland. February - Frankfurt, Germany. When it came to March I was absolutely and crazy exited because that was my first trip outside Europe - we flew to Mauritius and South Africa. When we came back in April, we had lots of work and.. there we go. It was already May and a trip to Dublin, Ireland. In June, we decided to come back to Africa to Rabat in Morocco and spent there a week. And July Poland and Germany again.
And there I was. One year after my new life have started.
This was such an amazing year. I couldn't ask for more. I have lots of exiting travel plans to come and that's why I'm back. I've decided to come back and write stories about my travelling adventures.

I'll keep you updated guys. I can't wait! Take care and see you soon! :)

P.S. Photo from the road trip UK-Poland taken somewhere in Germany.

Friday, February 22, 2013

A tak by艂o w Wenecji...

Venezia time!

Wrzucam kilka fotek, bo by艂o cudownie! Og贸lnie m贸wi膮c Wenecja za dnia nie jest magiczna, nie jest 艂adna ani interesuj膮ca. Mo偶esz zobaczy膰 wtedy jak wilgo膰 osiada na domach od wody, kt贸ra stoi na ulicach, niszczej膮ce budynki i do艣膰 specyficzny zapach, kt贸ry momentami nie nale偶y do najprzyjemniejszych.
Jednak, gdy tylko si臋 艣ciemni, Wenecja staje si臋 magiczna! Lampy migaj膮 r贸偶ow膮 po艣wiat膮 i przepi臋knie odbijaj膮 si臋 w wodzie. B艂膮dz膮c ma艂ymi, o艣wietlonymi uliczkach czuj臋 si臋 przewspania艂y nastr贸j.. Jest cicho, uroczo i romantycznie. Polecam ka偶demu, kto b臋dzie kiedy艣 we W艂ochech, odwiedzi膰 to miejsce, bo naprawd臋 jest tego warte.

Ja bezwzgl臋dnie kocham Itali臋 :) w艂osk膮 kuchni臋, toska艅skie ciasteczka, mozzarell臋, panini, te wszystkie pi臋knie budowle, okrutnie stare chodniki, na kt贸rych mo偶na skr臋ci膰 sobie kostk臋 chodz膮c w szpilkach. I tych w艂oskich podrywaczy, kt贸rzy nie m贸wi膮 po angielsku ;P

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A wi臋c: to ju偶!

A wi臋c ju偶 tu jestem! Nie mog臋 uwierzy膰! Po nerwowym czwartkowym wieczorze i ostatnich przygotowaniach nie mog艂am zasn膮膰, a w pt o 5:30 wyruszy艂am na 艁awic臋. Samolot o 10 i o 11:15 naszego czasu by艂am ju偶
na miejscu! Irma odebra艂a mnie z lotniska, szybka podr贸偶 i ju偶 by艂y艣my w moim nowym domu. Ca艂y pi膮tek by艂am totalnie zakr臋cona! Lunch, zakupy, p贸藕niej zabranie dzieci ze szko艂y, zakupy zn贸w, obiad..
Dziewczynki s膮 przesympatyczne i bardzo niezale偶ne, ju偶 si臋 zaprzyja藕ni艂y艣my! Ju偶 widz臋, 偶e to b臋dzie wspaniale sp臋dzony czas!
Dzisiaj do艂膮czy do mnie Isabel, poprzednia Au Pair. Sp臋dzimy razem tydzie艅, poka偶e mi wszystko. Mam nadziej臋, 偶e okryje przede mn膮 uroki tego miasteczka, no i wyruszy ze mn膮 na ma艂y rekonesans sklepowy!
Jestem bardzo podekscytowana! Na pewno sp臋dzimy 艣wietny tydzie艅!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Szalone pocz膮tki..

Nast膮pi艂 prze艂om w moim 偶yciu. Symbolem tego prze艂omu jest w艂a艣nie ten blog oraz m贸j wyjazd. Tylko 11 dni. A tam ju偶 czeka na mnie czw贸rka dzieci! W pi臋knym mie艣cie Tonbridge 50 km na po艂udniowy-wsch贸d od Londynu. Razem z dzie膰mi czeka mnie wiele wyzwa艅, ale te偶 nauczenie si臋 odpowiedzialno艣ci i rozwi膮zywania konfilkt贸w. Prawdziwe human resousres w do艣膰 niezwyk艂ej wersji;) Bycie Au Pair to prawdziwe wyzwanie, ale tak偶e przyjemno艣膰 i nauka j臋zyka! I w艂a艣nie po to tam jad臋!
Czasu zosta艂o mi niewiele.. Ale mimo wszystko zachowa艂am spok贸j ducha, bo wyjazd tam to krok ku spe艂nieniu moich marze艅. Pozosta艂o wiele rzeczy do przygotowania. Przede wszystkim nadszed艂 czas, 偶eby po偶egana膰 si臋 z kochanym AEGEE-Zielona G贸ra. Przez ostatni rok pracowali艣my razem dzielnie, a przez ostatnie p贸艂 roku mia艂am zaszczyt pe艂ni膰 tam funkcj臋 PR-Responsible. Mam nadziej臋, 偶e moja kariera w tym kierunku si臋 rozwinie, a wsp贸艂praca (mimo, 偶e tylko skype'owo-mailowa) b臋dzie trwa艂a nadal.
Dokumenty przygotowane.. Czas powoli zacz膮膰 si臋 pakowa膰, poniewa偶 ju偶 3 stycznia wyje偶d偶am do Poznania, 偶eby 4, w pi膮tek, wsi膮艣膰 do samolotu i polecie膰 ku nieznanemu.
Wybrana przeze mnie rodzina jest pi膮t膮, z kt贸r膮 rozmawia艂am i razem z hostmum podj臋艂y艣my decyzj臋 o wsp贸艂pracy ju偶 w trakcie pierwszej rozmowy zaledwie 3 dni temu! Mam nadziej臋, 偶e sp臋dz臋 z nimi wspania艂y czas. Jestem o tym wr臋cz przekonana!